The stealth-like ability of pests to invade homes makes pest-proofing a difficult job, and while keeping them out completely would be very tricky a few simple steps will help to keep your home pest free.mouse trap

The New Year is always a good time for a clear out – but it’s also a good time to set things in order. Keeping pests at bay relies on a combination of the two.

So while having a New Year clear-out, also take the time to check your house is not inadvertently attracting pests.

Top tips for a pest-free home

Check bins are in good condition – well fitting lids will stop pests getting in and food spilling out. Make sure there are no cracks or splits and that the general area around bins is well maintained and clean.

Fix leaks – a leaking hosepipe in the garage or a drip under the kitchen or bathroom sink can help to create the kind of conditions that pests such as cockroaches thrive in. Dark, damp areas of the home should be sorted as soon as possible

Check brickwork – Brickwork that is in poor condition is not good for the structure of your home – or for keeping pests out. Any holes or fractures in the fabric of your home could be seen as an invitation to mice rats and other pests.

Ensure doors and windows are sealed – As well as being important to security, doors and windows need to be in good condition to stop flying pests, such as wasps, as well as other pests finding a way into your home.

Tend the compost – Get into the habit of regularly turning the compost to discourage rats from making their home in it. Also check the lid and any other access points are securely covered.

Keep the garden tidy – Piles of clutter close to the house will encourage pests as will overgrown shrubbery. It is especially important to make sure that the area around the bird table is kept clear of debris that will attract rodents scavenging for food.

Simple checks to help pest-proof your home at the start of the year should go a long way to helping keep pests away from your house.

Should you have a problem with pests in your home contact Pest Busters for help.

Pest Busters (Birmingham)

Highfield Farm, Middle Lane, Kings Norton, Birmingham B38 0DX
0121 695 9076